Playing the Victim

So so so tired this month of March. Everyone around is playing the victim and “woe is me” attitude. Is it because of the harsh weather or what? Where do I even start? I think what gets to me is when I get accused of something and it’s not even what’s really going on orContinue reading “Playing the Victim”

Missing Pictures

So I was told last night that my place seems like a showroom. I’m like huh? What does that mean. I guess the last 3 years or so, my place has been pretty cold without any pictures of friends & family. This is true and I never realized it because the last few years I’veContinue reading “Missing Pictures”

Santa Has Come and Gone

It’s already 12/26! Well, that was good. There was minimal hectic Xmas shopping (by design) and a lot of Monopoly was played with the family. Every year, the Grinch in me comes out because I no longer like this time of year. It’s been a decade or so now and that’s that. I was ableContinue reading “Santa Has Come and Gone”

The Food Continues

Enough about my love life! It’s time to talk about FOOD again. Remember my Vegas trip? Well, that was all about the food. I’m going to do a photo dump and I hope some things make some sense. I have to list all the restaurants we went to and just looking at the food pixContinue reading “The Food Continues”

The Big 4-0!

The big 4-0 is around the corner…is this a bigger milestone than turning dirty 30? Here’s what Google says about it, “40th birthdays are milestone birthdays because, at this age, you enter mid-adulthood. At this point in your life, you’re too young and not too old. Each year you enter a new development stage in yourContinue reading “The Big 4-0!”

Why Don’t You Like Me?

Super Bowl is done, Vday is done…NBA All Star weekend. I used to enjoy all these events with someone and now I have no one! OK, I’m not crying a river here and I was just trying to see what kind of TV I can watch today. I’ve been having this issue of sitting inContinue reading “Why Don’t You Like Me?”

Single During the Holidays

I should really name it “Holidaze”. Now that it’s over, I am glad. What does everyone feel like during the holidays? I see so many pictures of my friends with their cute little families. That’s cute! Then, I see myself posting things with my mom & bro sans his fiancée (duh) and then my XmasContinue reading “Single During the Holidays”

Drip Campaign #2

My brother is getting married! His Fiancée is the worst. There are always 2 sides to the story…so I am going to see why the hell he loves her so damn much. She’s the biggest introvert in the world and she’s been disrespectful and selfish and a GD princess. My goal is to drip campaignContinue reading “Drip Campaign #2”

Take, Take, Take

Greed. 1. intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.Selfish. 1. (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure. Do people not consider others anymore? It’s getting really ugly out there or I am finally noticing these things? I do likeContinue reading “Take, Take, Take”

Hello Austin

It’s Halloween today, but a Sunday so I’m still doing chores which include laundry. So guess what…this past week all the guys have been coming out of the woodwork. Mercury Retrograde is over and guys are reaching out to see if I’m still single. Anyway, remember that one guy I started talking to on Bumble?Continue reading “Hello Austin”

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