Nobody Listens

Have I ever complained about this before? I mean, I guess I can take a look at myself and see if I listen to others? Sometimes. Well, I’m going to say that I have this issue where if I am clearly communicating something and the other person I am talking to isn’t listening, it getsContinue reading “Nobody Listens”


What is the definition of boredom? Feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity. I’m mentioning this topic today because a few days ago, a friend of mine talked about being bored. She feels like she has some space/time to fill over the weekend so she’s, “bored”. I also thought about it a little bit andContinue reading “Bored”

The Boys are Coming Back!

Remember I mentioned something about boys keep coming back? I don’t really remember which post and what nickname I assigned him, but this dude is persistent. I was thinking how I wouldn’t want to be ghosted and that closure is better, right? I don’t really care what you think actually. What has really messed meContinue reading “The Boys are Coming Back!”

The 30 Day Detox Journey

Have you ever tried any detoxes before? Whether you’re thinking about something like Dry January to not having processed sugars in 30 days, they’re all pretty good challenges, in my opinion. My wellness journal has a space to do that and I have been doing that for various things. For January, I detoxed from postingContinue reading “The 30 Day Detox Journey”

Leap into March

Well, February has come and gone. Can you believe that? In a blink of an eye, I was thinking about all of these things I wanted to do in February and with rainy days and sunny pool days, February is in the books! I am going to say it was all a blur. It wentContinue reading “Leap into March”

That Full Moon Again

The Full Moon has happened again! February 24, 2024 was the Virgo Full Moon. Whenever there’s a full moon, I am emotional and super tired. I was always saying it’s the sun, but I doubt it. I have figured out some of my sleep schedule routine and it’s gotten better over the last 2 weeks.Continue reading “That Full Moon Again”


I’m wondering why I keep getting annual texts and DMs from guys I haven’t talked to in years. This one that I am mentioning in particular came from 2020 (when I first started this blog). I can’t remember if I gave him a nickname or anything. He was a nice guy but with 2 youngContinue reading “Recycling”

Walking Away

The last two weeks or so, but for sure the last week, it was so rainy and dreadful. My mood really follows the weather forecast and for the most part, I’m very bright and happy just like the weather here, but not last week! Anyway, I started listening to this podcast that I really like.Continue reading “Walking Away”

The Universe & More!

This last week was pretty busy, but I didn’t get great sleep. The good news is, my schedule has a schedule now. I have been going around with my head cut off for the last 2-3 months because I really didn’t know what to do with all the time I have on my hands. CanContinue reading “The Universe & More!”

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